Quote Of The Day - Kanye West

"...you know, this one [Le]Corbusier lamp was like, my greatest inspiration. I lived in Paris in this loft space and recorded in my living room, and it just had the worst acoustics possible, but also the songs had to be super simple, because if you turned up some complicated sound and a track with too much bass, it’s not going to work in that space. This is earlier this year. I would go to museums and just like, the Louvre would have a furniture exhibit, and I visited it like, five times, even privately. And I would go see actual Corbusier homes in real life and just talk about, you know, why did they design it? They did like, the biggest glass panes that had ever been done. Like I say, I’m a minimalist in a rapper’s body. It’s cool to bring all those vibes and then eventually come back to Rick [Rubin], because I would always think about Def Jam." - Kanye West

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The Sound Track To My Previous Hip Hop Architecture Presentations

Here is a list of the tracks, in order, from my most recent Hip Hop Architecture lectures and seminars.  The lists range from old school classic hip hop to modern day rap. The use of the tracks not only provides a transition between topics as I make an argument for hip hop architecture,  the tracks contextualizes the discussion points through lyrical references. It is my hope that the memory evoking power inherent in music will allow attendees recall discussion points from the  presentation once its concluded.

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Towards a Hip Hop Architecture: Syracuse University

This symposium explores a wide range of questions. Does hip-hop architecture, however it is defined, exist?  If so, who are its practitioners? Is there an architectural image or a style that reflects hip-hop ideals? Is there a formal language or organizational structure that it should employ?  Or is there a process and attitude towards design that will separate hip-hop from conventional architectural practice?

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Rebecca Willis - Bleeding Heart Design

Rebecca "Bucky" Willis of Bleeding Heart Design was named one of "8 Women who Will Change Everything You Know About Detroit" by The Huffington Post. I am honored to say Rebecca Willis is one of my former students at University of Detroit Mercy! Take a look at the video below where she mentions that reclaiming our visual real estate is vital in transforming improvised neighborhoods. This strategy is discussed at great length in Dr Craig Wilkins' book, "The Aesthetics of Equity - Notes on Race, Space, Architecture and Music"