Rakim, during an interview with CityLab, compared my passion for hip hop architecture and using hip hop lyrics as modernism's post occupancy evaluation, to the lyrical dexterity of the hip hop MC! Check out the full article here: The Universal Hip Hop Museum and Design Justice
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In this world we are living in, 98% of everything that is built and designed today is pure shit. There’s no sense of design, no respect for humanity or for anything else. They are damn buildings and that’s it. - Frank Ghery
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"...you know, this one [Le]Corbusier lamp was like, my greatest inspiration. I lived in Paris in this loft space and recorded in my living room, and it just had the worst acoustics possible, but also the songs had to be super simple, because if you turned up some complicated sound and a track with too much bass, it’s not going to work in that space. This is earlier this year. I would go to museums and just like, the Louvre would have a furniture exhibit, and I visited it like, five times, even privately. And I would go see actual Corbusier homes in real life and just talk about, you know, why did they design it? They did like, the biggest glass panes that had ever been done. Like I say, I’m a minimalist in a rapper’s body. It’s cool to bring all those vibes and then eventually come back to Rick [Rubin], because I would always think about Def Jam." - Kanye West
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Quest Love's thought proving series examining How Hip Hop Has Failed Black America written for Vulture, make us hip hoppas think critically about the gravitas nature of our culture. Although Quest questions the legitimacy of hip hop architecture, I am happy to know that he is aware of the architectural investigation. I would love to discuss with him, how the hip hop generation is incorporating our culture into the architectural profession.
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Listen to Mr. West speak the truth about life in general and about his aspirations to practice architecture. I have to met him one day...who is gonna help make that happen?! I need to start a social campaign "Kanye, met Mike 2014". I have blogged and written so much about Kanye that sometimes I think I know him. Its crazy, he is a very critical thinking and an inspiring person.
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Picasso's introduction to the hip hop community during many of Jay Z's lyrics and most notably, his song, "Picasso Baby" is just the latest node in the constant cyclical nature of black artistry merged with mainstream art movements. . Nadeen Pennisi of Palm Beech State College identifies the specific inspirations for Picasso's first work of Cubism, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, as copper covered reliquary figures from the Bakota (a.k.a. Kota) people of African state of Gabon and masks from the Dan people from the Ivory Coast. If not for Picasso's introduction to African Art, would Cubism exist?
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"Like Van Gogh found a catalyst in Japanese art, Picasso came under the spell of African art and used its primitive power to shake off his classicist mannerism that offered no possibilities to innovate."
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