Listen to Mr. West speak the truth about life in general and about his aspirations to practice architecture. I have to met him one day...who is gonna help make that happen?! I need to start a social campaign "Kanye, met Mike 2014". I have blogged and written so much about Kanye that sometimes I think I know him. Its crazy, he is a very critical thinking and an inspiring person.
““I really enjoyed the piece ArchDaily posted about Kanye recently and I agree that there is a defensiveness among architects to allow non-architects to be part of architectural discourse. I myself believe that this is one of the reasons that architectural documentaries tend to be quite unpopular amongst non-architects.”
“Since most people that actually use architecture are non-experts in the field, it seems strange that anyone should be ridiculed when they have opinions on the subject or want to be involved in collaborations with architects. Especially when they seem to be fully aware of their limitations regarding their own architectural expertise… I personally was very happy to be able to have Kanye’s perspective to include in the film.”