Big thanks to my friend Emily Iremonger at Asif Khan, located in London, for sharing images of the "Beatbox" project ompleted for the 2012 Olympic Games in London. Khan and his team created an tectonic representation of what KRS-One describes as the essence of hip hop, the ability to remix. Although Asif Khan made no attempt to directly connect this project to hip hop culture, and as it focused more on the creation of music in general, it's impossible for me not to see it as a precedent for hip hop inspired architecture both programmatically and aesthetically.
Read MoreErik Howard brings the corner and the community together in unlikely ways through The Alley Project
Detroit native, Erik Howard, explains how The Alley Project (T.A.P.) came to be what it is today, in Southwest Detroit. Merging the artistry of graffiti and street arts with the practice of architecture and social justice, Howard and his organization, Young Nation, has provided more than just an artist outlet for Detroit youth, he has provided them with a structure which helps develop their craft and achieve their dreams.
Read MoreHip Hop Book of the Week - Nelson George's, "Buppies, B-Boys, Baps and Bohos"
I'm sure you've heard people say you must always "cite" your sources, well, I'm taking it one step further as I "sight" my sources during this continuous series titled, "Hip Hop Book of the Week". This impromptu shot was taken with a group of daring, unknown skateboarders. The guy jumping overhead actually wanted to read the book as he made the jump, my conscious would not let him do it. Side note...I miss my high top fade!
Read MoreTime-Lapse Video - Hip Hop Architecture Lecture
On September 24, 2014 I was invited to lecture at University of Detroit Mercy's School of Architecture as a part of the 2014 Detroit Design Festival. Here is a time-lapse video of attendees filling the lecture space.
Read MoreWhat if....Please Share Your Comments
After each Hip Hop Inspired Architecture lecture, I'm always faced with the same question from attendees after they learn how the projects necessitated the creation of hip hop.
Read MoreLegz - "The Spaghettist"
Check out some of Paris' graffiti legend, Legz's latest work during Art Aux Gant 2014. This video below shows the piece from start to finish.
Read MoreHip Hop Book of The Week - The Aesthetics of Equity - Dr. Craig Wilkins
Dr. Craig WIlkins' "The Aesthetics of Equity - Notes on Race, Space, Architecture and Music"
"Architecture is often thought to be a diary of a society, filled with symbolic representations of specific cultural moments. However, as Craig L. Wilkins observes, that diary includes far too few narratives of the diverse cultures in U.S. society. Wilkins states that the discipline of architecture has a resistance to African Americans at every level, from the startlingly small number of architecture students to the paltry number of registered architects in the United States today.
Read MoreLecture Video Editing
Its time for me to do my best impersonation of Spike Lee as I begin to edit a few videos captured by my photographer at BMB Graphic of my Hip Hop Inspired Architecture lecture this past week at University of Detroit Mercy.
Stay Tuned!
Hip Hop Architecture Lecture - Who Was There - Mayor DeAndre Windom
The mayor of my hometown was there! The City of Highland Park's Mayor DeAndre Windom attending my Hip Hop Architecture lecture at the University of Detroit Mercy during the 2014 Detroit Design Festival. I appreciate the time that Mayor Windom has taken from his busy schedule to show me support over the years. He has a vested interest in hip hop, as he is married to one of the dopest female MCs to ever touch a mic, Yolanda Whitaker (YO-YO).
Read MoreHip Hop Architecture Lecture - Who Was There - Rainy Hamilton
Architect, Rainy Hamilton Jr. attended my Hip Hop Inspired Architect lecture at University of Detroit this past week. Mr Hamilton is the first African American architect I ever met and he gave me my start in architecture at Hamilton Anderson Associates following my completion of graduate school at UDM. He also pushed me to evolve my concepts and lecture style by sponsoring various trips to present at NOMA (National Organization of Minority Architects) Conferences around the country.
Read MoreHip Hop Architecture Lecture - Who Was There
Soon I will give an official recap of the kick off of my lecture tour, at University of Detroit's School of Architecture. Until then, I will share a series titled "Who Was There", which will highlight the wide spectrum of lecture attendees.
First up, the Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative. The (CUDC) is the combined home of the urban design graduate program at Kent State University and the public service activities of the College of Architecture and Environmental Design.
Thanks for the conversation afterwards and thanks for sharing photos on your CUDC Twitter page!
Hip Hop at 2014 Detroit Design Festival
On September 24, 2014 as part of the 2014 Detroit Design Festival I will give a lecture at titled "Hip Hop Inspired Architecture" at the University of Detroit's School of Architecture.
Date: September 24, 2014
Reception: 5:00pm
Lecture: 6:00pm
See Detroit Design Festival's full lineup here.
The main goals of the lecture are to:
1. Increase the awareness of the social responsibilities of architects and urban planners.
2. Encourage individuals of the profession's underrepresented groups to pursue a career in architecture.
3. Provide tools to increase the recruitment and retention rates of minorities in schools of architecture across the country.
4. Blast some hip hop in the middle of an architecture school!
Hip Hop Book of The Week - The Hip Hop Wars by Tricia Rose
Eminem at 2012 Architecture Conference in Detroit?
Ok, the title is a bit misleading. But, I just found this video online from a conference I attended in 2012. A few good friends of mine, Tiffany Brown, Saundra Little and a host of others worked pretty hard with NOMA-Detroit members planning for the 2012 National Organization of Minority Architects Conference in Detroit.
Mrs. Brown and NOMA-Detroit had the Selected of GOD Choir sing their popular rendition of Eminems' "Lose Yourself" from the recent Chrysler Commercial Ads during the dinner prior to the key note address by University of Michigan's Monica Ponce de Leon.
This was one of the most exciting moments during any of the NOMA Conferences I attended. Great job Tiff!
Hip Hop Architecture at Detroit Design Festival
On September 24, 2014, Michael Ford will deliver a lecture titled, "Hip Hop Inspired Architecture and Design" at the University of Detroit Mercy's School of Architecture as a part of Detroit's Design Festival.
Read MoreIn 1925 - LeCorbusier's Critics Predicted The Birth of Hip Hop
Here is an essential criticism of LeCorbusier's visionary plan for the center of Paris which further links LeCorbuser to the origin of hip hop culture. In 1935 as The City of Detroit built the first federally funded housing development specifically for African Americans which was based on Le Corbusier's "Towers in The Park" scheme, a French architectural critic took to the magazine, L’Architecte to warn the world of the sociological impact the towers and its programming would have on it's inhabitants. In my opinion, this criticism of LeCorbusier's urban renewal schemes, serve as a prediction to the birth of hip hop culture.
Read MoreAs The Brewster Housing Projects Fall, A New Architecture Rises From Its Dust
Today, Tiffany Brown, a former resident of Detroit's public housing who received her master’s degree in architecture from Lawrence Technological University is the new leading lady at the Brewsters nearly 80 years after the ribbon cutting by former first lady Elanor Roosevelt.. She represents Hamilton Anderson Associates as the construction administrator during demolition. How ironic is it that one who transcended the limitations of being born and raised in the public housing systems of Detroit is now the architectural representative coordinating the demolition process,
Read MoreHip Hop Inpsired Architecture Exhibit - Bar 2 of 16 - The Fifth Element of Hip Hop
“Hip hoppers state that critics lack a genre exposure, their deficit of language - their lack of knowledge of history and terminology - further marginalizes innovative new work [within hip hop]. They may like what they see without knowing breaking from b-boying; popping from locking...This type of technical knowledge is as important as historical, cultural and self-knowledge. At the end of the day, it is this fifth element, glaringly absent from the marketplace which may provide the space where art can flourish.”
— Jeff Chang
Read MoreDetroit Hip Hop Artist Joins Mike Ford's Hip Hop Architecture Movement
During the preparations for my Hip Hop Inspired Architecture exhibit at the AIA Convention, I worked with professionals including hip hop artist, architects and photographers from all around the country to put on a successful show. The commonality amongst these professionals is the love of hip hop. I must say that their love for hip hop is deeper than the superficial infatuation with pop culture, these professionals, just as I, can easily profess "I AM HIP HOP"! Check out my post about GB Cortez.
Read MoreHip Hop Inspired Architecure Exhibit: MJ3! - Bar 1 of 16
My "Hip Hop Inspired Architecture" exhibit at the 2014 AIA Convention in Chicago, Illinois was dedicated to the memory of my son, Michael Ford III, affectionately known as MJ3. The pain of losing my son has fueled my passion for reading and connecting dots which few individuals before me have ventured to connect. The dark hours spent mourning MJ3's death, created a craving for tranquility that only a book can provide. Since my son's passing, my research has gotten deeper and some even describe it as dark at times, as I reveal little known truths about the history of architecture, art and black culture all of which provide a basis for why society needs and subconsciously yearns for a hip hop inspired architecture
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