On September 24, 2014 I was invited to lecture at University of Detroit Mercy's School of Architecture as a part of the 2014 Detroit Design Festival. Here is a time-lapse video of attendees filling the lecture space.
Special thanks to everyone at UDM who made this event possible, starting with Dean Will Wittig. This event was suggested by him during my preparations for the exhibit at the 2014 AIA Convention. Next up, Dan Pitera, Director of the Detroit Collaborative Design Center (DCDC) for a wonderful introduction introduction before my lecture. My first experiences in academia were because of Dan Pitera, who invited me to co-instruct an undergraduate design studio at UDM, which eventually led to me instructing a variety computer modeling courses as an adjunct professor. I have to say thank you to Tiffany Brown and NOMA - Detroit for sponsoring the reception and a huge thank you goes out to all the students and community members who attended the event.
The images in the video were captured by BMB Graphics.