Rebecca Willis - Bleeding Heart Design

Rebecca "Bucky" Willis of Bleeding Heart Design was named one of "8 Women who Will Change Everything You Know About Detroit" by The Huffington Post. I am honored to say Rebecca Willis is one of my former students at University of Detroit Mercy! Take a look at the video below where she mentions that reclaiming our visual real estate is vital in transforming improvised neighborhoods. This strategy is discussed at great length in Dr Craig Wilkins' book, "The Aesthetics of Equity - Notes on Race, Space, Architecture and Music"

Pharrell Williams Talks To Alex Gorlin & Daniel Arsham

Pharrell Williams has long been an explorer of many creative fields outside of his initial foray into the spotlight via music. Williams is a strong art and design enthusiast among other things. In a new video series titled ARTST TLK, Williams sits down with a range of creative individuals to explore their inspirations and discuss their respective bodies of work, their motivations and philosophies. The latest episode sees Williams conversing with well-known architect Alex Gorlin as well as the unconventional artist, Daniel Arsham. Touching upon their various influences such as Marcel Duchamp and Frank Lloyd Wright, the trio are able to shed light on the blurring of lines within the “design” fields and their personal approaches to creativity.