After reading KRS One's, The Gospel of Hip Hop, First Instrument for the Temple of Hip Hop and The Hip Hop Declaration of Peace within its' pages I felt obligated to introduce this powerful text to the hip hop architectural community in hopes of assuring that we abide by the principles set fourth by the founders of hip hop culture. The Declaration of Peace is defined as:
Based on the principles set fourth in the declaration, I share the following thoughts with hiphoppas in the architectural community in hopes of sparking dialogue as we continue to develop, research and share information on Hip Hop Architecture.
Hip Hop Architecture by Definition
Hip Hop Architecture, by definition, defines the independent collective consciousness of HipHoppas within the architectural profession who are in alignment with The Hip Hop Declaration of Peace.
As a Conscious Body
1. Do We Unveil The Architectural Institutionalization of Sociological Hostilities Towards Minorities?
2. Do We Acknowledge Our Influence On Society, Especially Youth?
3. Do We Keep The Rights And Welfare Of The Youth In The Forefront?
4. Do We Encourage The Necessity To Define, Defend And Educate Ourselves?
5. Do We Encourage Eliminating Poverty And Speak Out Against Injustice?
6. Do We Create and Support Dialogue And Actions Which Heal Divisions In Society?