Moody Nolan is a culturally and intellectually diverse design firm unified in our community to achieving the highest level of character and integrity. This influences how we relate to our clients, who we see as partners in the design process. Our exceptional ability to listen allows us to fulfill our primary role as designer, to help our clients dream. Utilizing our unparalled technical expertise, we translate dreams into built reality. Our passion, our commitment to integrate insures our process will be client-centered, interactively inspired, contextually responsive, and provide the most efficient functional technologically advanced accommodations.
The International African American Museum (IAAM) commissioned Moody Nolan, to design a new international museum that is devoted to telling the story of the passage of African peoples from slavery to emancipation and freedom in South Carolina. The purpose of the museum is to be a valuable, lasting resource where residents and visitors alike can learn the history of how Africans and their descendants shaped – even through the experience of enslavement – successive eras. It will be considered an international museum because the trading of African human beings which spanned Africa, the Caribbean and both American continents was economically linked to European industrial expansion. Also, almost half of the European-Americans and considerably more than half of the African Americans who came to the Charles Towne settlement in the first two years after its founding were from Barbados, and this distribution continued for at least two decades.