Stefan Zwicky - LeCorbusier's Hood Lounge Chair?

Artist Stefan Zwicky created a replica of LeCorbusier's chair in a brutalists' fashion. Sleek stainless steel supports have been replaced with thick gauged structural rebar and the once comfortable leather seating now precast concrete. When I view this artist representation, I am immediately called to compare the philosophy behind it's interpretation to that of the architectural interpretations of LeCorbusier's Plan for Paris as it was implemented in the South Bronx in such a brutal way. Key sociological elements among other items detailed in Corbusier' s plan in his book, "The City of Tomorrow and Its Planning", were stripped away and what was implementation resulted in whats known across America as "The Projects". If his furniture was to be reinterpreted and constructed today in the same fashion as his architectural visions, this is exactly how I envision the result.

Please note, my  interpretation of Stefan Zwicky's chair above is not the official literature for the art piece. It is simply my interpretation of his art work.

To view my previous blog post and related publication "LeCorbusier The Forefather of Hip Hop" on how LeCorbusier's vision jump started the architectural planning of the environments which birthed hip hop, click the link.