Have you ever heard people mention the guilty pleasures of Googling oneself? If not, you should try it, its fascinating what comes up in the searches. While Googling myself I found a ton of information about hip hop and architecture but did not expect to find this enthused blogger's response immediately following my Hip Hop Inspired Architecture presentation at the 2012 NOMA Conference in Detroit, Michigan. I feel honored to be used as a vessel to encourage people to increase their involvement in architecture! Hip Hop is so powerful!
“This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending the National Organization for Minority Architects national conference.. This was my first conference but from the experience I had, I promise it wont be my last. While I was there I was exposed to variety of people, some young some old. But all positive and all with the same common goal. The goal to help each other and staying positive through the education of Architecture. While there I attended a Seminars and lectures, but of all the lectures, there was only one that really jumped out at me. It was entitled HipHop Inspired Architecture in design. This was all presented by a young man by the name of Michael Ford, Associate AIA. With this presentation he touch on a lot of great points some we knew and many that I had no clue about. One of the most interesting points was that Georgetown University has a course title “Sociology of Hip Hop: Jay-Z. This course is taught by Michael Eric Dyson. I would love to sit through one lecture to see what the class covers or how its structured.
Although I cant cover everything that Mike Ford goes through, If you ever get a chance to see or hear this lecture I would, it gives a different perspective to Architecture and Music. ”