The Universal Hip Hop Museum

BrandNu Design Studio is the lead architect design architect on The Universal Hip Hop Museum in the Bronx which celebrates and preserves the history of local and global Hip Hop culture to inspire, empower, and promote understanding. Anchored in the birthplace of the culture, the Universal Hip Hop Museum in the Bronx will provide a space for audiences, artists, and technology to converge, creating unparalleled educational and entertainment experiences around the hip-hop culture of the past, present, and future.

Project Update:

On August 11, 2023, The 50th Anniversary of Hip Hop, The Universal Hip Hop Museum hosted a VIP reception and toast on the stairs of the museum for 125 guests. During the event, the museum unveiled its first photo gallery on the exterior windows of the terrace, featuring photos from famed photographers. The museum also unveiled its cornerstone, featuring lyrics from Notorious BIG, “It was all a dream” and “You never thought Hip Hop would take it this far.”